The Huntsman’s Redemption / 獵人懺罪道


Enchantment — Saga
(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)
I — Create a 3/3 green Beast creature token.
II — You may sacrifice a creature. If you do, search your library for a creature or basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.
III — Up to two target creatures each get +2/+2 and gain trample until end of turn.

結界 – 傳紀
I — 派出一個3/3綠色野獸衍生生物。
II — 你可以犧牲一個生物。若你如此作,則從你牌庫中搜尋一張生物或基本地牌,展示該牌,將它置於你手上,然後洗牌。
III — 直到回合結束,至多兩個目標生物各得+2/+2且獲得踐踏異能。